Release: Side Profiles and Irises – Vol. 1 Extra 3

One more extra that continues from Extra 2. And special bonus drawings from Takemiya-sensei!

Click to go to Volume 1 Extra 3.

Apparently there was a survey question for adults that asked, “Have you ever crossed a line? What does that line indicate?” Ichiho-sensei decided to ask a follow-up question to her characters. 😂

Q: What do you think “crossing a line” is for you?

Nawada-kun: “A-A kiss, maybe…?”
Minagawa-kun: “Wha? It’s gotta be a threesome. Oh, but I haven’t personally crossed it, not yet.”
Nawada-kun: “Not yet…?”

Tsuzuki-kun: “Holding hands.”
Kunieda-kun: “Liar!!!!”
Tsuzuki-kun: “Then let’s hear your opinion.”
Kunieda-kun: “………….Taking turns drinking from the same bottle or can?”
Tsuzuki-kun: “There’s like no difference.”

Tatsuki, are you trying to get yourself in the doghouse? 🤣🤣🤣 This is not the only time he slips up like this, hahahaha. 🤦

2 thoughts on “Release: Side Profiles and Irises – Vol. 1 Extra 3”

  1. Hhh the last bit about the smile and sunshine sold this CP to a new level in my heart >\\<
    I even screenshooted and sent it to my friend, so we can scream about how cute it’s (she can’t read very well English so I can’t send the novel to her, only some tidbits ;- 😉

    Thank you for the chapter!

    1. I love the imagery here too. It’s only the beginning of their relationship, but it’s just so lovely and uplifting, and I really enjoy them. I’m glad you enjoyed it~ (Your friend too~)

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