Kei does some sleuthing and pays a visit to Ushio’s grandmother.
Click to go to Volume 3 Chapter 33.
The cover for Off Air Volume 2 was released the other day! How adorable are Kei and Ushio??? Especially Kei! 💕💕💕 This time Kei is the one brushing his teeth~ And he has bed hair! 😂
From the looks of the special bonus announcements, the volume includes Fools Rush In, about Kei, Ushio, and Tatsuki getting pass-out drunk at Ushio’s house, Rose-Colored Pop, about Ushio and Kei taking a couple of trips together, and Just Like Honey, about the days after Ushio and Kei first get together in Volume 1. October 29th can’t come fast enough!

Fujoshi. Hijinks.
And the bittersweet traces of lemon candy drops.
All hail nachte-sama v)/ the illustrations are so cute huhu they’re both so handsome TvT
I love how shy and pouty Kei is!! ❤❤❤
He’s so cute T.T but i wish i had a good look on ushio’s face :3
Very true! I’d love to have a better look at Ushio too. Maybe we’ll get something in December with the new story! *crosses fingers*
T.T oh gahd I could only count for you nachte-sama.. TvT)/ pleath continue supplying us with eyecandies like this.. hnnggghhh i sure hope it comes.. it would be a great christmas gift :3